The pickup pro
The result

The result

I learned that there are simply more men on dating sites than women. I’ve seen no statistics, but when searching different areas for women and then searching for men, the results seemed to consistently show men outnumbering women by a great deal. I learned that if you’re going to attract someone into your life, it’s going to happen one way or another. The method in which you’re searching doesn’t matter so much. That being said, you do have to put yourself out there at least in some way. It may be fun sitting in your bedroom reading comics all day, but don’t expect to find a girlfriend or the love of your life while doing so. Dating sites are a means of putting yourself out there, so to speak, but they have their own disadvantages. They’re impersonal and both men and women are more likely to be phony and flaky behind the safety and anonymity of their computer screens.After the experiment, I decided I’d rather meet women in person. I began a different sort of experiment then, that as of this writing, I haven’t yet finished. I may never finish. The new experiment is ongoing and may never be completed. It focuses on my decision to get back to meeting women in person, in real life, in everyday places, during everyday circumstances. It seems more natural to me. I decided to brave the rapid heartbeat, cold sweats, red face and shaking hands. Reasoning that if I approached and/or engaged in conversation with enough women, eventually I’d get used to it and it wouldn’t make me nervous anymore. I’d read a story about a Navy SEAL who was flat out too afraid to approach a woman and engage her in conversation if the frame behind the interaction was romantic in any way. Who knows what terrors he’d faced in training or in the field, but he was unable to face this fear. I told myself at least I had more balls than the Navy SEAL. I did and I didn’t. Because we weren’t in competition. We each had our own particular set of skills and we were each going our own way.By the end of this experiment, I’d grown weary of dating sites and I was ready to focus on meeting women in person again. It felt more natural to walk up to a woman and say hi than to send her a copied and pasted cookie cutter message I?ve already sent to 99 other women on a dating site. Setting out with a lofty goal of meeting 10,000 women if necessary, I fired up my car and headed to Wal-Mart. But that’s another story…

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