The pickup pro
Terms used

Terms used

  • Alpha ? The leader of the pack and dominant group leader in evolutionary terms. Applies to modern day social dynamics. Can mean a very confident and socially successful man or woman.
  • Beta ? A person who is socially submissive to the alpha, and / or desires to obtain the alpha?s status, but remains held back by psychological limitations and weak behavior.
  • Beta Attraction ? A person with undeveloped attractive abilities who constantly attracts the wrong types of people as potential mates.
  • Brooding Male ? A man who appears sexier because of his serious features. Relates to the scientifically verified phenomenon that women find men who appear more serious to be more visually sexually attractive.
  • Clinging / Clinger ? Very beta / omega behavior of obsessing about a crush or being desperate for the approval of somebody else to feel validated. Not just dates, clingers can appear in your workplace or even your family.
  • Construct-Ego: Your main enemy. The psychological phenomenon of believing you have to be something you?re not to be happy or validated, and then creating a constructed personality around it. Leads to second-guessing yourself, showing off, or acting in a way that seems fake.
  • Core Personality ? The secret to becoming confident is to act in a way that?s congruent to your natural tendencies, instead of acting through your construct-ego.
  • Ego ? The Freudian term for the part of the psyche that operates over the id and creates logical and meaningful strategies to obtain impulsive desires.
  • Id ? The Freudian term for carnal, base-level instincts. Useful for describing one?s animalistic desires, but the premise is somewhat questionable as the elimination of the ego does not remove a person?s sense of right and wrong or turn a person into a crazy, sex-hungry cannibal.
  • Machismo ? Excessively masculine behavior (grunting loudly in the gym, picking fights, driving shirtless and harassing other drivers). Adopted by men who think that?s what it takes to be ?alpha?, promoted among frats. Is actually socially awkward beta behavior.
  • Nice Guy ? A guy who supplicates his behavior and tries to make everyone happy, but becomes very beta and unattractive in the process. Sometimes men are told to act ?more nice? to get what they want.
  • Omega ? A step beneath a beta. An omega is clueless about personal growth and remains extremely affected by the world around him or her, lacking confidence and acting very insecure.
  • Red Pill / Blue Pill ? The red pill is a common vernacular term now for when a person accepts facts about male / female attraction for what it is (instead of trying to deny human nature). By contrast, a person on the ?blue pill? believes cultural myths that are in contrast to human tendencies (see ?nice guy?).
  • Social Dynamics ? How people relate to one another in a constantly changing environment.
  • Super Ego ? The Freudian term for the societal conventions that influence behavior and morality. A similar concept as the construct-ego.


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